Gloria has been a certified colon hydrotherapist since 2007.  She trained under Suzanne Margolis Gray in Tampa, FL and Helen Eisenstein in Manhattan, NY. She is a massage therapist who is certified in Swedish, Thai, deep tissue, and raindrop massage techniques. She is a certified aromatherapist who trained under Dr. David Stewart and who uses Young Living essential oils in her therapies. She is a certified raw foodist and juicer. She also does ear candling.  Gloria makes every effort to keep her services clean and safe.

Gloria developed a passion for natural health while taking care of her elderly parents for many years. She saw the decline of her parent's health and the health of seven of her siblings due to unhealthy eating habits. After her parent's passing, she worked with the elderly as a caregiver and saw their health greatly improve just by diet change, simple hydration, positive interaction, and love. Consequently, their doctors removed many of their medications due to their improved health.

Gloria has had a passion for colon hydrotherapy long before she became certified.  She read many books on the subject prior to attending school and graduated at the top of her classes in colon hydrotherapy school and massage school.

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